Sunday, February 19, 2012

Mason Jar Edibles

     If you know me, you know I just love the homey, old fashioned feel of mason jars.  They used to be used only for canning, but now people are using them more and more for creative purposes, such as storage, utensils, and home decor.  I actually made a post a while back about different uses, which can be seen HERE.  Glass jars are inexpensive, and can be used for so many things. Today, we will focus on edible uses, which are many.  Here are a few I've compiled from around the web. 

 This clever person poured cupcake batter in a jar, baked it, and when it cooled, frosted it for a unique look for parties.  Go HERE for full directions.

 Check out these adorable pies for one HERE.

 This jar holds a mini pot pie.  So cute!  HERE is the recipe.

Here is my favorite of all.  This is such a cute way to make your own corndogs.  Pour batter around a hotdog, and when it rises, it covers the hotdog completely making a corndog.  Love it!  HERE is the tutorial and recipe.

Do you bake in your mason jars?  What have you made, and how did it turn out?

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